Sunday, June 16, 2013

Yearbook Chair Collage to preserve Childhood Memories

In purchasing my son's 3rd grade chair before the demolition of his beloved elementary school, the monies raised will help defray some of the costs associated with purchasing new items.  As it stands, the new school has been built an entire year ahead of schedule!  Bravo to the construction crew for getting it done so early!  My son was extremely upset; however, that we didn't purchase a yearbook for him. When I found out all the students had signed their names on the chair & had written notes to him on a plain piece of paper, it was a no-brainer for me to purchase the chair.  As a Crafty Mom, I immediately thought of a way to preserve the chair & combine the hand-written notes in a way that would honor the memory of  #JRBriggs.
The finished product
Top of the chair

The process of making this Yearbook Chair was quite simple really. It was a two step process:
Step 1: Elmer's Rubber Cement to glue the hand written notes to the chair
Step 2: Mod Podge Spray to seal the names written & the notes afterward
Step 1: Spread an even layer of  rubber cement onto the back of the notes & also to the spot you want to stick it to on the chair. Press wet surfaces together firmly. When the excess glue on the chair is dried, rub gently with your finger to remove.
Step 2: Evenly spray the Mod Podge over the entire chair.  Coat 2-3 times, waiting about 15 minutes between applications.

Enjoy your new piece of mixed media collage when completing next year's homework assignments!

The craft brought up a lot of feelings about my own childhood & stirred up some emotions I had forgotten about.  Do you remember what it was like to be a child? I often try to put myself in my children's shoes to be able to relate to them.  Sometimes it hurts (and truly that sucks) and I end up retreating into myself because someone has treated them badly.  But many other times, I try to empower them by teaching a life lesson I wasn't made aware of until much later.
To be honest, my son has had a difficult 4+ years on school.  He is very smart, although seemingly to smart for his own good, he often make really bad decisions. We have been called to the Principal's office on more than one occasion because of his choices.  It certainly has gotten better over the past year, but he still finds himself in a world of poo, trying to figure out where it went wrong.  Usually, it stems from his inability to control his reaction when he gets upset.  Like I said, he has grown leaps & bounds this year, but he is still far from perfect.
As a Mom, I feel like no matter what, I should make my child feel loved.  Sometimes, it is very difficult to keep my own embarrassment & anger in check, but completely neccessary for his further development.  Other times, I find myself using my own reaction as a way to look at the bigger picture.  All kids make stupid decisions, but they need to realize they have a choice to make a different decision next time or choose to change the path they're on by looking ahead to the consequences of their actions.
So what have I done differently to help him make better choices?  Like when he says something outrageously cruel and even threatening, but decides to be honest about what he said- I try to help him realize what he said was hurtful & he needs to make amends without berating him for reacting poorly to his own hurt feelings, and praise him for his honesty. I give him a hug & tell him everything will be ok.  I remember back to a time when I did the same thing as a child & how I felt when even my parents made me feel like they weren't on my side, which didn't stop me from doing it again, it only added fuel to the fire.  I don't want him to continue on this path because of my reaction, essentially the same thing I want him to learn.
Or when he chooses to go along with the crowd by doing something he thinks he may get in trouble for, and when he gets caught doesn't point his fingers at the others involved, but instead takes  responsibility for his part & accepts his punishment.  I also have a choice to make when I find him doing wrong, I can either flip out & make him feel badly about what he did, or I can use it as an opportunity to teach him Why I don't want him to (ie. cross the mainroad without a parent, go swimming in the lake without a chaperone etc.) & how I would feel more importantly if something horrible happened to him. I try to show him how much he is loved instead of making him feel stupid for following the crowd by using such phrases as "If everyone else jumped off a bridge, would you?"  or "I said NO, and that's final!" as my reason for not wanting him to do something dangerous.
By showing him that he is an important part of our lives & that he has the ability to choose good decisions for himself,  he has chosen to surround himself with kids who are likely to make good choices.  He has had more friends over to our house to play, which I think has raised his self-esteem and brought out some really humorous parts of his personality that may have been otherwise stuffed down inside him.  He has not only grown in his decision-making ability, but has become aware of how his choices affect others.  He has developed his sensitivity from reacting instantly when his feelings are hurt & lashing out to being able to relate to someone else's reactions & responding appropriately.
I have always told him I don't expect him to be perfect, because I don't want him to feel he has a certain standard to live up to.  I want him to be proud of who he is & cultivate the differences in his personality, but not at another person's expense or performed with malice.

Thursday, June 13, 2013


When I was in school, it wasn't uncommon for me to have this dreaded word written in BOLD RED LETTERS at the top of my page.....I guess things haven't changed all that much in a few decades.

Except now, there isn't anyone regulating my progress.  So more often than not, I end up with too many projects started & not enough gumption to finish them.  This lack of gumption can be attributed to feeling completely overwhelmed by the number of projects I haven't finished yet as compared to the ones I have finished.

Don't get me wrong, I DO finish things.....I just seem to start WAY too many to finish before I start feeling bogged down by "work."  My "work" shouldn't be labeled as such- another problem for my psyche.  My "work" is supposed to be fun, and most of the time it is, but I wish I could see clearly the point when fun becomes "work."  I believe that becoming aware of an issue or realizing where the problem starts is often times the point where healing begins.  

I'm one of those people who is always in search of a good time- even when I'm working- so it makes total sense to eventually turn my hobby into my career; however, in order to be successful, I need to start following my projects through to completion. 

Here's a question:  How do other artists/creative-types manage their time? Is there some sort of system- like writing lists & crossing off items as you go, allowing yourself a certain amount of time to complete a project & sticking to those deadlines, etc?

In the meantime- here are a few project I'm working on this week......
The first one is going to be a suncatcher of a shark for the owner of a restaurant I've been working at in Leominster, MA called Sharky's
Preparing glass for Beadwork

Day 1:The tail

Still Day 1: Different view of the tail

Day 2: More of the tail

Still Day 2: Different  view of the tail

Day 3: Body & Head
That's as far as I've gotten so far on that one- will keep you posted

Project #2:  Carved wooden sign for my son's 3rd grade teacher

My son's teacher has been very inspiring this year.  She has taken an interest in him and really helped to develop his character.  Although, he can be very difficult sometimes and even downright mean, Mrs. Cox has never waivered from being on his side.  The elementary school is being town down over the summer & a brand-spanking new one has been erected in its place.  I thought it would be nice for her to have a hand-crafted sign on her door welcoming her new students into her class.  

The last day of school is Monday- so that is my Official Deadline!  Check back to see my progress!

Name Stenciled on piece of Driftwood

Carving around the letters
There it is folks- two of my thousands of incomplete projects which will hopefully propel me into the action of completing them!

Friday, June 7, 2013

New Coupon Code!! Get 25% off your purchase in my Etsy Shop!!

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In anticipation of my Etsy shop expansion,
and in order to Thank You for your growing support,
I would like to offer a New Coupon Code
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in my handmade jewelry, accessories & home decor.

Soon, I will be adding more items to include
my other passions such as: 
Vintage Sewing Patterns & Notions
Vintage Books & Paper Epherma
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*Do it!!  Before this code expires on August 1, 2013