If you don't like where you are, move.
You are not a tree.
Some people are more skilled than others at getting out of a rut. Some people seem to think it is "normal" to be stuck in a rut and never see themselves anywhere different. They becomecomplacent and comfortable treading over the same ground on a daily basis. Life switches onto automatic pilot. Everyday could be described as Groundhog Day....if nothing changes than nothing changes. But how do you get out of it when you don't even realize its a rut your stuck in?
The ONLY way to break a pattern, not matter what that pattern is, is to do something different. Some might think I'm saying you need to change every aspect of your life. In fact, what I'm saying is much easier and simpler to put into action. What exactly am I saying? If you want to change your life today, do something different, today. Make this one small change every day for two whole weeks. By then it should become a habit that is easy for you to maintain. Then in two weeks, as you continue with your first new habit, add one more thing to change. And so on and so on. By the end of the month, you will have changed 2-3 things you used to do that didn't bring you any joy. By the end of the year, you will have TOTALLY changed your life.
I'm sure your thinking something to the effect of "That might work for you, but it'll never work for me." or "Sure sounds like a lot of work!" In both cases, you are correct. Changing your life can't happen overnight. Unfortunately, time takes time. You didn't become who you are today overnight, it took a while before your habits became patterns you were unable to manage. But when does it end? Only you can decide that. Only you can decide when Enough is Enough.
Over the years, I have heard a lot of inspirational quotes which describe this phenomenon. I've chosen the ones below because they actually made me stop and think......
"Change happens when the pain of the staying the same is greater than the pain of change." - Tony Robbins
This quote reminds me that pain and change are simultaneous and interchangeable. There is no way to have one without the other. But when you decide that staying the way you are and continue doing whatever it is that's making you unhappy is easier than changing one thing in your life, you will find yourself in a rut. The only way out is to change something, and yes, that something will probably be very uncomfortable.
"If it doesn't open, its not your door." - Elie Klachkin
I often find myself doing the same thing over and over yet expecting different results. I've also heard that this is the definition of Insanity. Does this mean I'm insane? Probably a little, but more likely it means that my perception of my reality needs to be tweaked a bit. In other words, running into a brick wall over and over again simply because it feels better once you stop, might not be the best way to look at a situation.
And of course, my personal fav....