Tuesday, August 20, 2013

Book Review: A House in the Sky: A Memoir

A House In the SkyA House In the Sky by Amanda Lindhout
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

  Amanda Lindhout is my hero.  Not only has she persevered in spirit regardless of the cruelty forced upon her at the hands of another human being, she has eloquently illustrated the cultural differences respectfully and civilly.  The manifestation of her reality apart from her perception of reality, adds depth and remarkable profundity.
A House in the Sky: A Memoir recounts the memories of a survivor and a risk-taker, the influence of oppression and the validity of emotions, the impact of terror and the tenaciousness of love. By not succumbing as victim of acts perpetuated by hate, Ms. Lindout
  Amanda Lindhout
manages to liberate herself from the chains of trauma and become a guiding light to the millions of women suffering from unspeakable violence.

View all my reviews

Sunday, August 4, 2013

Take The Challenge!!!!

Treasures Found :: Challenge of Travel

It never ceases to amaze me how when I am feeling completely overwhelmed with all of my outstanding "projects" and  my obligations to providing my children with THE most fantastic summer ever, coupled with my own never-ending quest for sanity, and I get just about to the point of  self-combustion from _________ (insert appropriate self-destructive emotion here), somehow I manage to find exactly what I'm looking for.  Hold on a minute as I regress, as it is not my intention to minimize the struggle of day-to-day life by simply finding an easy solution by giving up.  What I am trying to say is, that when I finally decide that some battles just aren't worth fighting and CHOOSE to go about my day by concentrating on the flow of my actions rather than the result of my actions, my life (and subsequently everyone else's) seem to become easier to deal with.  In fact, most of the time, I even come across exactly what I was looking for!
That being said, I would like to personally invite you to accompany me on the 2nd Annual Challenge of Travel, sponsored by fellow blogger (http://treasures-found.blogspot.com/) and jewelry designer (http://www.tesoritrovati.com/), Erin Prais-Hintz.

Without reiterating the details of said challenge, I am truely excited to begin looking right under my nose, sort of speak.  I've actually lived in this little town for more than 2 years and have never even taken a stroll downtown thru the quaint shops!  I tend to venture out of the area to go exploring and even go window shopping, so this is going to be a treat!